Contoh Narrative text


Once upon time there lived a poo widow,caled MRS.Rodiah.She lived with he two sons.Syamsul and Yusuf,who were both very different Syamsul was vey lazy and did not care about her mother while Yusuf was very diligent and worked had to support his family.

One day MRS.Rodiah came by debt Collector
"Mrs its time out for you pay the house or you must go out from 3 day! "
"Please,pity me i dont have money now,i promise i will pay it" said mrs rodiah.
"I give you 3 day to pay from now! or you must get out fom here"

Mrs Rodiah was confused,how to get money for to pay the debt.
Yusuf saw the conversation with her mothe and debt collector.
He felt sad and though about how to get money.He had inisiative ,he must word hard...

Everyday Yusuf caught fish in the lake and he sold the fishs to market.
The next day when yusuf was fishing inthe lake ,he cathed the golden fish.
"please dnt eat me!"yusuf surprised
"If you release me,i will grant anything you bent!"
yusuf talked to the fish,the fish promised if he release the fish he would grant anything,and he decided to release the fish.

After the fish dropped by yusuf ,he grant his wish to make is bucket full of the golden .Yusuf was happy and his returned home .Finally yusuf and his family lived happily.  

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