Sinus, kosinus, tangen dan resiprok

untuk sudut theta di sebuah segitiga siku-siku seperti di atas, kita namakan sisinya sebagai:
·         miring (sisi di depan sudut siku-siku)
·         samping (sisi di samping sudut theta)
·         depan (sisi di depan sudut theta)
kita definisikan ketiga rasio trigonometri yaitu sinus theta, kosinus theta dan tangen theta sebagai berikut (kita menulisnya sin theta, cos theta dan tan theta):
sin theta = depan/miring
cos theta = samping/miring
tan theta = depan/samping
untuk mengingatnya orang biasanya memakai SINDEMI, KOSAMI dan TANDESA

Contoh Narrative text


Once upon time there lived a poo widow,caled MRS.Rodiah.She lived with he two sons.Syamsul and Yusuf,who were both very different Syamsul was vey lazy and did not care about her mother while Yusuf was very diligent and worked had to support his family.

One day MRS.Rodiah came by debt Collector
"Mrs its time out for you pay the house or you must go out from 3 day! "
"Please,pity me i dont have money now,i promise i will pay it" said mrs rodiah.
"I give you 3 day to pay from now! or you must get out fom here"

Mrs Rodiah was confused,how to get money for to pay the debt.
Yusuf saw the conversation with her mothe and debt collector.
He felt sad and though about how to get money.He had inisiative ,he must word hard...


Accusing Someone (Menuduh Seseorang)
Accusing Someone is expression when someone said that person did something wrong although she/he doesn’t know the truth, like stealing.
Expression of Accusing Someone :
It must have been you who did it
(pastilah Kamu yang telah melakukannya)
I think you’re the only person who could have done it
(saya kira hanya kamulah satu-satunya orang yang bisa mekakukannya)
You must be doing something wrong
(kamu pasti melakukan kesalahan)
You must have talked about me behind my back.
You dropped that porcelain glass last night, didn’t you?
You took my magazine, didn’t you?
You had lost all of my data on the computer.
Responses of Accusing :
I’m sorry. It’s my fault
Sorry for my fault
I’m sorry for the things. I’ve done
It’s my responsibility. I’m sorry
No, it wasn’t me
Yes, I did. Sorry for not asking you first.
I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to.
Contoh Dialog Accusing Someone

Jenis dan Macam-Macam Versi Android 2013

Agan-Agan tau gak OS (Operating Sistem) yang satu ini? sesuai dengan perkiraan google yang memperkirakan OS android ini bakalan menjadi sistem operasi yang besar maka mereka membelinya dari Android inc. awal sejarahnya sebenarnya android bukanlah milik dari google, sebelumnya Android inc Perusahaan software kecil ini didirikan oleh para senior lulusan IT dan Comunications tepatnya pada bulan Oktober 2003, para pendirinya antara lain adalah: Andy Rubin, Rich Minner, Chris White dan Nick Sears, dan kemudian semua sahamnya dibeli sama mbah gogel....

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